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Code examples

Actions are a powerful tool to extend ZITADEL and you might wonder what use cases actions can be used for.

This page provides a non-exhaustive list of possibilities which is provided by examples. If a use case is missing feel free to contribute an issue or pull request to the repository, thanks in advance πŸ€—.

Customize OIDC response​

Append claims returned on OIDC requests.


Set hardcoded claim​

Extend the claims by a hardcoded value.

Code example

Set dynamic claim from user metadata​

Extend the claims by dynamically read metadata from a user and sets the picture-claim if idpPicture-metadata value is present.

Code example

Set dynamic claim from organization metadata​

Extend the claims by dynamically read metadata from an organization and sets the present metadata.

Code example

Custom role mapping in claims​

Some products require specific role mapping from ZITADEL, no worries we got you covered πŸ˜‰

Code example

Custom role mapping including org metadata in claims​

There's even a possibility to use the metadata of organizations the user is granted to

Code example

Customize SAML response​

Append attributes returned on SAML requests.


Custom role mapping in attributes​

Some products require specific role mapping from ZITADEL, no worries we got you covered πŸ˜‰

Code example

Set dynamic attribute from organization metadata​

Extend the attributes by dynamically read metadata from an organization and sets the present metadata.

Code example

Manipulate user​

You can automate manual tasks like setting default grants during user creation.

Set email always verified​

Useful if you trust the provided information or don't want the users to verify their e-mail addresses.


Code example

Add grants to users​

Allows you to add default user grants to a user after it was created or federated.


Code example

Add metadata to users​

Adding metadata to users allows you to set default metadata on users.


Code example

Use provided fields of identity providers​

If you want to ensure that the data of a user are always update you can automatically update user fields during authentication and safe time of your customers and your team. 🀯


Fields provided by Okta as OIDC IdP​

If you use Okta as an identity provider you can improve the onboarding experience of new users by prefilling some basic information during authentication.

Code example

Fields provided by Gitlab​

If you use Gitlab as an identity provider you can improve the onboarding experience of new users by prefilling some basic information during authentication.

Code example

Fields provided by Github​

If you use Github as an identity provider you can improve the onboarding experience of new users by prefilling some basic information during authentication.

Code example

Claims provided by a generic OIDC identity provider​

If you use a generic OIDC identity provider you can improve the onboarding experience of new users by prefilling some basic information during authentication.

Code example

Attributes provided by Okta as SAML IDP​

If you use Okta as an identity provider you can improve the onboarding experience of new users by prefilling some basic information during authentication.

Code example

Attributes provided by Microsoft Entra as SAML IDP​

If you use Microsoft Entra as SAML identity provider you can improve the onboarding experience of new users by prefilling some basic information during authentication.

Code example

Attributes provided by a generic SAML identity provider​

If you use a SAML identity provider like mocksaml you can improve the onboarding experience of new users by prefilling some basic information during authentication.

Code example

Context aware execution​

Based on the context the execution path of an action can change. ZITADEL allows complex execution paths of course. 😎

Based on auth request information​

Execution paths might change based on the application initiating the authentication.


Code example

This example uses zitadel's log module

Check authentication error​

Your action can also check for errors during the login process.


Code example

This example uses zitadel's log module

Throw an error​

Allows you to limit the user interaction. The error thrown will be shown to the user if the action is not allowed to fail.

Code example