SMS Provider
📄️ List SMS Providers
Returns a list of configured SMS providers.
📄️ Get SMS Provider
Get a specific SMS provider by its ID.
📄️ Remove SMS Provider
Delete an SMS provider. If the provider was still active the users will not receive notifications from that provider anymore.
📄️ Add Twilio SMS Provider
Configure a new SMS provider of the type Twilio. A provider has to be activated to be able to send notifications.
📄️ Update Twilio SMS Provider
Change the configuration of an SMS provider of the type Twilio. A provider has to be activated to be able to send notifications.
📄️ Update Twilio SMS Provider Token
Change the token of the SMS provider of the type Twilio.
📄️ Activate SMS Provider
Activate an SMS provider. After activating a provider, the users will be able to receive SMS notifications.
📄️ Deactivate SMS Provider
Deactivate an SMS provider. After deactivating the provider, the users will not be able to receive SMS notifications from that provider anymore. If it was the last activated they will not get notifications at all