Project Grants
A project that is granted to another organization, so the other organization has access to it and can manage the user authorizations, is called a project grant.
📄️ Remove Project Grant
Remove a project grant. All user grants for this project grant will also be removed. A user will not have access to the project afterward (if permissions are checked).
📄️ Change Project Grant
Change the roles of the project that is granted to another organization. The project grant will allow the granted organization to access the project and manage the authorizations for its users. Project Grant will be listed in the granted project of the granted organization
📄️ Search Project Grants from Project
Returns a list of project grants for a specific project. A project grant is when the organization grants its project to another organization.
📄️ Search Project Grants
Returns a list of project grants. A project grant is when the organization grants its project to another organization.
📄️ Add Project Grant
Grant a project to another organization. The project grant will allow the granted organization to access the project and manage the authorizations for its users. Project Grant will be listed in the granted project of the granted organization
📄️ Deactivate Project Grant
Set the state of the project grant to deactivated. The grant has to be active to be able to deactivate.
📄️ Reactivate Project Grant
Set the state of the project grant to active. The grant has to be deactivated to be able to reactivate.
📄️ List Project Grant Member Roles
Members are users with permission to administrate ZITADEL on different levels. This request returns all roles possible for a ZITADEL member on the project grant level.
📄️ List Project Members
Members are users with permission to administrate ZITADEL on different levels. This request returns all users with memberships on the project grant level, matching the search queries. The search queries will be AND linked.
📄️ Add Project Grant Member
Members are users with permission to administrate ZITADEL on different levels. This request adds a new user to the members list on the project grant level with one or multiple roles.
📄️ Remove Project Grant Member
Members are users with permission to administrate ZITADEL on different levels. This request removes a user from the members list on a project grant level. The user can still have roles on another level (iam, organization, project)
📄️ Update Project Grant Member
Members are users with permission to administrate ZITADEL on different levels. This request changes the roles of an existing member. The whole roles list will be updated. Make sure to include roles that you don't want to change (remove).